
Better than estimates

People routinely use estimates for planning, prioritization, and managing expectations. But are they really the best tool for the job?

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Update with no fear — achieving zero-downtime deployment

The key principles of zero-downtime deployment applied to the main components of any web app: the backend, the frontend, and the database.

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You might not need staging

Many engineering teams use staging to test new features before pushing them to production. But is it really the best way to test?

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Lean app monitoring—The Starter Pack

An easy, low-cost way to start your monitoring routine that covers the most basic needs. For those who lost in application monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, uptime monitoring, etc.

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Migrating a production database without any downtime

In this episode, we'll cover the basic principles of zero-downtime database migrations and provide quick recipes for the most common scenarios.

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Three important steps before jumping to the code

As a developer, how do you start building a new feature? You may think, "It depends," and it certainly does. However, there could be frameworks that fit many situations, and I'd like to suggest one.

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Why go full-stack in 2023?

What does it mean to be a full-stack web developer today, and what are their pros and cons for team productivity?

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Why public chats are better than direct messages

How we communicate makes an enormous impact on our work. One of the best strategies for improving communication in a team is making it open.

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How to get unstuck and make progress

Developers spend an enormous amount of time being stuck. I've been a developer and an engineering manager myself for many years, and I think being stuck is the default state. We, developers, spend most of our time being stuck, and just occasionally, we get unstuck and make progress.

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Is your manager a router or a moderator?

In software engineering, communication around the manager organizes itself into two common modes – either a "router", or a "moderator".


Why you should be careful with developer metrics

If you've ever managed any software project, you've probably asked yourself: how could our teams move faster? How fast are we moving today? For these kinds of questions, it's tempting to turn to metrics.

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On Estimates

Since we began developing software, we’ve looked for ways to reliably estimate our development time. Now, some 60+ years later, we've gotten no better at it.